Tropico Wiki

For buildings of the same name in other Tropico games, see Grade School.

Grade Schools provide an intelligence bonus to the future workforce of the island. More important Education facilities are the High School & College.


Field Trips: "Children gain initial skill in a random profession when they graduate."
Youth Organization: "Some of the children become loyalists when they graduate."
Spelling Bee Contests: "The intelligence of some of the children is increased even more at graduation."
Obedience Training: "The Courage of some of the children is decreased on graduation."


Trash may appear but not trash receptacles.

Children's primary selector is the 'Beauty' of the School; secondary considerations may be low crime and low pollusion. Oddly, Service Quality may not play any role when there are multiple schools; just a factor of how many school shifts to graduation along with their intelligence.

Mother do not contribute to the Service Quality, but do hold open the 6 slots for Children. Mothers don't show up at the School, but don't gain experiance/skill while pregnant. Best to retain mothers during their pregancy, unless you have an abundance of highly skilled Teachers to shift into the vacancy.

In-Game Text[]


"Deez iz da plais wheir yung childrens becum leeterate. While most of the population of Tropico has the IQ of an underdeveloped inchworm, you can improve the intelligence of Tropico's future with the Grade School. Here you can choose to pave the way for the bright minds of tomorrow or nurture incompetent and obedient little zombies. Who said education isn't fun?"


"An educational facility for children. Children who have gone through the schools become literate and their intelligence increases."


One is usually enough for the first 100~200 people, dependant on birth rate and aging population, each Grade School may keep pace with 200~300 people. If you overbuild, restrict some schools to one Teacher.

Tropico 3 Buildings
Housing Apartment BlockBunkhouseCondominiumCountry HouseHouseMansionShackShantyTenement
Food & Resources FarmFisherman's WharfLogging CampMarketplaceMineOil WellRanch
Industry CanneryCigar FactoryFurniture FactoryJewelry FactoryLumber MillOil RefineryRum DistilleryWeapons FactoryA
Tourism AirportUBeach VillaBungalowHotelLuxury HotelMotelSkyscraper HotelUTourist Dock
Attractions Balloon RideAUBeach SiteBotanical GardenUEthnic EnclaveMarinaAPoolSouvenir ShopSpaTour OfficeUZoo
Entertainment CabaretCasinoChildhood MuseumFerris WheelAGourmet RestaurantMovie TheaterNight ClubPubRestaurantSports Complex
Infrastructure Construction OfficeDockElectric SubstationGarageGarbage DumpAPower PlantTeamster's OfficeWind Turbine
Government ArmoryArmy BaseBankDiplomatic MinistryUGuard StationImmigration OfficeUNuclear ProgramAUPolice StationPrison
Human Services CathedralChurchClinicCollegeGrade SchoolAHigh SchoolHospitalNewspaperRadio StationTV Station
Landmarks & Beauty Christ the SaviorUEternal FlameUFountainsGardensGolden StatueUMiscellaneousRadar DishScenic OutlookStatuesTrees
Special Aid CampUAncient RuinsUPalaceUSecret PoliceU
A: Requires Absolute PowerU: Unique Building